Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Statistics Using The Chart Tool

Kia ora this week our class room did some statistics like what's the most common eye colour. 4 people have hazel 10 people have dark brown eyes 6 people have blue eyes 1 person had amber and 1 person had a different eye colours to all of those. We also figured out how room 8 got to school most of us go in a car but some people walk or even take the bus. We also found out Room 8 favourite colour. The most popular colour was blue and red even our teacher likes red. The least favourite colour was green no one even choosed green no boys no girls at all. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Blog Woman Super Digital Citizen

 Kia ora Today we did some super heros. We could design our own superheros and tell them what were super powers. I choose blog woman. My super heros helps people with there blogs. My character was orange and white because blog colours are orange and white. So that is what we did this week with Mrs Torrie.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori

 Kia ora this week is māori language week we've been doing some slides about Te Reo Maori for example number in Te Reo Maori and some expressions. We had to pick an expressions about how we were feeling. I was feeling Manahau witches excited. I was gonna do aio which is calm but I decided to go with Manahau.